So you want to try backgammon...

First, read this by the UK's foremost backgammon author:

Concentrate on how the checkers move, don't worry about the doubling cube yet.

Then practice with a friend or on one of the many free PC or phone apps to get familiar with moving the checkers.

Now that you've got a rough idea how the game works, come along to a JackGammon beginners' night (first Monday of the month) at the Carlton Club and someone will play a few games with you, give you some tips and answer any questions you may have.

When you're feeling a bit more confident, try an "After Eight" JackGammon night or a first Tuesday of the month at the Moor Club. These are are all 1 point matches with no doubling cube involved.

Once you're comfortable playing this way it's time to learn about the doubling cube. Go back to Chris Bray's introduction above. This is the most difficult part of the game and is similar to a raise in poker; If you think you have an advantage in the game, then, before you roll, you may "double" by turning the cube to 2 and placing it on the right hand side of the board towards your opponent. He/she can then either pass the cube and concede a single point (like folding in poker) or take it and play on with the game now worth two points to the winner (like seeing your raise in poker). Also, the opponent now "owns" the cube and only he/she can now use it to redouble to 4. Don't worry if it seems confusing, it takes time to get used to it.

With a basic idea of how the cube works, you can try your luck at one of JackGammon's "Dorothy Lee" nights or at a regular Moor Club night. These involve 5 point and 3 point matches using the doubling cube.

You can also sign up for one of the main free to play internet sites, where you can play people from around the world eg:

There are also lots of books, blogs, forums and YouTube videos out there to learn from - get Googling.

And if you get really keen, you can sign up for the North West league or try your hand at the Manchester or Bradford Monthly where you'll be pitting your wits against some of the strongest players in the country.

I'll be adding more to this section over time.